WORLD OF TOMORROW – New Song Cycle Release July 1st 2024!

Imagine the World of Tomorrow? This bold new song cycle addresses the impact of technology on our youth, while never treating them as the victims. This new work empowers our singers in an impassioned plea and protest that will ignite discussion and action.

South Australian Public Primary Schools Music Festival 2023 COMMISSIONED WORK


by Paul Jarman

In this rapidly evolving modern world, it is hard to imagine a world less than two hundred years ago with no electricity, no running water or central heating and cooling, no antibiotics, no cars, trucks and buses, no planes and no telephones, let alone smart phones, the internet, smart TV’s, computers, driverless cars, robots, smart watches, Bluetooth speakers and headphones, MRI’s, X-rays, GPS tracking systems, smart boards, video games and artificial intelligence; all things we use nearly every day and mostly take for granted.

And as technology changes more rapidly than we can keep up with it, and while it continues to have a greater impact on all of life, how we manage our lives, our health, our relationships and our families, and our careers. How we go about each day within a world where the rest of the population are exploring the same challenges, is all having a large impact on the human race; and it is happening faster than we can manage it.

But among all these massive changes, the most defining thing is that we have an endless amount of knowledge at our fingertips 24/7.

While some of the differences above have been for the better, some are not, and we are in a time of rapid change that is impacting on the human condition. Are we heading the right way?

The challenges of this rapidly changing world form the theme of my new four-part Song Cycle.

The pieces can be sung as the cycle or as stand alone works.

1 Away from the Screen

2 Keep the Truth Alive

3 Follow My own Dream

4 This is Our World