Moko was commissioned by the Ascham School specifically for the junior (Fiona) choirs in 2012. Moko was a male bottle-nose dolphin who interacted with humans on the east coast of the North Island of New Zealand between 2007 & 2010. He first resided at Mahia Beach for 2 & 1/2 years where he became a major attraction. Moko received worldwide fame when in 2008 he rescued two pygmy sperm whales who were stranded at Mahia Beach. Moko spent two days continually guiding the whales through the channels and tides to their safety in the wide ocean. It was considered one of the great acts of bravery in the history of the natural world.
Moko then moved North to Waikanae Beach, Gisborne & on to Whatakane. During this period he befriended a local woman Kirsty Carrington, who spent nearly every day with Moko, riding him out to sea and back to the shore and sleeping next to him in the cool waters. Unfortunately, on the 7th July 2010, Moko’s lifeless body was found washed up on Matakana Island. Ironically, his interaction and passion for humans had possibly led to his demise. Kirsty and the community farewelled and buried Moko there, facing the sacred mountain. His spirit will always live on.
Sample recording courtesy of the Hillcrest Christian College Choir, directed by Jenny Moon