Let go the Long White Sails was first commissioned by the Darling Harbour Foreshore authority and Sydney Children’s Choir in 1999 for the finale of Sydney Australia Day and fireworks in Sydney Harbour. In 2004 Paul developed the piece further for the Song Cycle ‘Beyond the White Sails’, commissioned by Caulfield Grammar.
Although it tells the story of migrant journeys to Australia in the 1800’s by tall ship, the song really captures the spirit of adventure, coming of age, taking risks and the journey to change.
Paul has orchestrated the piece for many Australian events and it is often sung at awards ceremonies, graduations, weddings, funerals and anniversaries. It has been performed with symphony orchestras, bagpipes and drums and massed choirs.
Paul conducting the Geelong Summer Music Camp finale with massed choir, Bagpipes and symphony orchestra.
Sample recording courtesy of the NSW Education Department