
Icarus was commissioned by the South Australian Public Primary Schools Festival of Music in 2013 for the song cycle ‘Flight’. The story of Icarus has intrigued and challenged us for centuries. The well-known Greek myth is a tragic example of hubris, or failed ambition, and has been examined and retold in art and literature across the world. There are many layers to this compelling story and Paul wanted to understand how it has been interpreted throughout time.

Paul studied James Joyce’s semi-autobiographical novel ‘Portrait if the Artist as a Young Man’, the famous poem of 1940 by W.H Auden ‘Musee des Beaux Arts’, the Brueghel painting ‘Landscape with the fall of Icarus’, and the Roman poet Ovid’s ‘Metamorphoses’ among others. Paul also studied observations on narcissism, liberty, bravery, innovation and risk. Icarus’s flight is important to all humankind and a terrific story for children of all ages.

We recommend performing the full song cycle. Other pieces are ‘Take to the Sky’, ‘Lady of the Sky’ and ‘Jetman’. All are available from this site in the SA section.

Audio Sample courtesy of the South Australian Primary Schools Festival of Music

Junior Gondwana performance of Icarus, conducted by Paul Jarman


Sing a global story Sing a history Sing a message Sing for an eisteddfod Sing the adventure
Duration 3:40
Key Multiple
Range Standard SA B3 to F5
More info Also available with orchestra - Contact Paul for scores and parts
Price AU$3.00 per copy


I C A R U S                        
By Paul Jarman
In every life there’s a journey we must undertake
We’ll soar above and beyond the limits of all we’ve ever known
You gave me wings to wear and you taught me wrong from right
And I will follow you to the freedom of the sky

To taste the weightless bliss of flying
I can see the world from within the light
Entwined inside the wind I’m floating in a dream 
And in this moment I can live without my strings

Flying far from reason to the wonders I’ve never known
And far towards the edges of the night
Chasing clouds, reaching stars, climbing to the fire
And in that wonder my life becomes the sea

© Paul Jarman 2013