Follow Your Dreams was commissioned by SING NSW, Department of Education and Training in 2004 as part of the Song Cycle ‘Young Australians, Voices of Achievement’. The ABC release was conceived by Paul and supported and commissioned by Jenny Gregory. Nine pieces were commissioned, each one about an inspiring young Australian. Follow Your Dreams was written by Andrew DeTeliga and Paul for Jesse Martin, one of the most famous young Australians of all time.
In 1999, Jesse became the youngest person to sail solo, non-stop and unassisted around the world. His epic voyage began in December 1998, from his hometown of Melbourne, and won the hearts of millions across the globe. He was personally thanked by President Bill Clinton, and received recognition from many world leaders, fellow international yachtsmen and women. For ten months, Jesse’s adventure brought the world together. From then on he was known as the “Lionheart’.
In his own words, “There are many people out there dreaming of great things, and it’s a good chance that your son, daughter, brother, sister, or friend is one of them.” And from musician Ben Harper, “ What you have done makes me proud to be a human being”. Jesse Martin inspires us all to follow our dreams.
Sample recording from the ABC Classic ‘Young Australians, Voices of Achievement’.